Sunday, May 25, 2008

TGIF (Unless, like me, you work on Saturday...)

In which case, people who are happy it's Friday just get on your damn nerves. Lane Bryant dress from Spring 06 (I think...that was a long time ago!). This dress has been sitting in a pile in my room for more than 12 months, but this past week I was very very bored with my wardrobe and my Thursday night To Do List had 2 items: give self pedicure so can continue to hold my head up in open toed shoes and wash/iron b&w dress to wear tomorrow. I got SO many compliments as I have every time I've worn this dress and looking at this picture I can see why, it is very flattering. And now it's also very big on me! This is a size 18 and I am wearing a 14 now but it may be worth the effort to get this one altered.
I wore a red sandwashed silk shrug over this but had taken it off by the time Zac snapped a photo. He cut me off at the ankles but I wore 4 inch BCBG Girls peeptoe T-straps with a big black tulle flower on the toe. The big silver hoop earrings are from Walmart last week for 2.97 (SCORE!). I pulled all my hair back and wore red lipstick.

On Friday I felt very very bad. I have been sick all week with a nasty chest & throat virus. But every day I really made an effort and truly, it is amazing the way you feel so much better after recieving compliments all day long. One lady in the elevator with me asked if I was a model, and my manager said, "You must be feeling better! You look great!"
Actually I felt like a steaming sack of poo, but those compliments carried me through the day.

1 comment:

for a different kind of girl said...

As Mark Twain once said, I can live two months on a good compliment, so the future is bright for you, baby!

The dress kicks, too!