Friday, July 11, 2008

Finishing up the week

I was super casual this Friday. New (new to me, I believe this is gently used) Old Navy top via my most excellently beloved eBay with my dark wash Lane Bryant capri jeans and, gasp, FLIPFLOPS. I thought I had the Slutty Librarian Nine West heels under my desk at work but they were nowhere to be found when I got there (not in my car either and I am slightly afraid to search my room because.....WHAT IF THEY ARE GONE?
Would it be inappropriate to wear a black armband of mourning? I wonder what you have to do to declare a National Day of Shoe Grief and Tooth Gnashing?)
so I snuck around all day, flopping in my flippies, and giving thanks that Type A One and Type A Two, were both out--they are very nice ladies, but I do remain in a state of Continual Gratitude and Omnipresent Thanksgiving that I am on Type B One and Type B Two's team instead (THANK YOU, JESUS.)

To complete the Wonderfulness That Is Friday, I WON!!!!!!!! Yes, I won Thandie heels by Bebe on eBay (Bless you, eBay, and blessed be the fruit of your auctions, in the name of The Buyer, The Seller, and The Holy PayPal.)
I have lusted in my heart, verily, I have yearned for these shoes for going on twelve months now.
AND THEY ARE MINE!!!!!!!!MINEMINEMINEMINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (spasms of unholy gleefulness and joy, hallelujah!)
That is a six inch heel, there, ladies: SIX. INCHES. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is The Bank ready for this???


for a different kind of girl said...

Sweet Jesus, those are some frickin' hot shoes!

Therese in Heaven said...

6 inches? Wow. I can't go above five. The patent is awesome!

Thanks for stopping by!

Madame Queen said...

Holy Crap! How freaking TALL are you gonna be when you wear those? And also? How freaking HOT!!

Girl, those are all you! :)