Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Really, Who DOESN'T

love a good mascara review? I just finished up a tube of LashBlast by Cover Girl--big orange tube, SO easy to find at the bottom of your purse. (Even if your purse may well detain the unindentified remains of Jimmy Hoffa as I firmly believe mine may, I can think of no other realistic explanation of why the thing is so dang heavy--and count not the hardbacked books therein lest I slay thee with a glance.) (FYI, when there isn't enough mascara left in the tube to give me the drag queen eyelashes I crave, I save it and use it to comb my eyebrows!)

So I bought Maybelline's latest offering, Lash Stiletto, because it was shiny and referenced shoes! Let no one say I am not a discriminating retail shopper (am I the only one wandering along the aisles singing along to the Grateful Dead and wondering how much more I am spending per minute because they are playing music that I can sing along to?) The good news is, this stuff totally works and the freaky looking brush is killer. It's got a beat AND you can dance to it! It's no L'Oreal Voluminous (my own personal Holy Grail of Mascaras) but it's close enough to go L'OV's family reunion and eat burgers with the fam. Totally worth that 8.99 plus tax or whatever those robbers closely positioned by the highway, aka CVS, charged me.


pam said...

Hey did I miss the pics of the Steve Madden Blush shoes. Cause those shoes Oh.My.God - want...

Anonymous said...

AS I'm currently using the last teeny, tiny bits of mascara in my current stash I may have to try this. Thanks for the recommendation!