Monday, March 3, 2008

Breaking the Sephora Fast

My Reluctant Paparazzo

Showing his joy at being on the other side of the lens

I went to the mall yesterday with my daughter, we had so much fun! She will be five in late May, and has already developed my obsessive love for shoes and lipgloss.

I wore a maxidress from Old Navy's spring 2007 line, she wore a denim Old Navy miniskirt and a tshirt that proclaimed her to be "Mommy's Little Sidekick."

I saw this dress on the Old Navy website, it sold out quickly but I picked it up later on eBay. The Victoria's Secret website has several different styles of maxidresses this spring, I'd like to get another. They are so comfortable. I wore flipflops, so did Bookey.

I have a convertible bra from Lane Bryant, my breasts really need the support but between me and the DH, neither of us could figure out how to convert it so I just went without.

At Sephora, I bought Clinique's Super City Block with SPF 40. Review and pictures tomorrow!


Madame Queen said...

Cute dress! I bought one last year but returned it b/c it didn't fit very well. I just looked pregnant, which was NOT the look I was going for. I definitely want more dresses this spring and summer.

1blueshi1 said...

weeell, looking at the pix I look fairly pregnant myself! Oh well, I was comfortable, and maybe if I figure out the whole support issue with the convertible bra thing, that will help.

for a different kind of girl said...

I love that dress! I need to spend some time perusing the old Old Navy website one of these days for some summer dresses. This means I'll have to start wearing dresses, but I've always dreamed of being one of those cute girls in dresses all the time!

That sweet girl of yours is going to have legs for miles, it looks like!