Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In Which I Pray I Have Escaped The Curse of The White Girl

A friend of mine remarked one day as we watched UAB students cross the street that one girl was very attractive except she had the Curse of The White Girl, i.e., a flat ass. And I have to admit, because I am ALL ABOUT the big issues (you know, Barack vs. the POW, does Palin look better WITH the glasses, is the glass actually half full or are those dregs filled with powdered glass that I am about to ingest, etc.), that it has worried me on a semi-regular basis ever since that I may be buttless and clueless about my lack of badonkadonk.
I wish I could worry about my lack of a STOMACH but since it is sitting here on my knees sneering at me that is fairly pointless.
(forcibly drags self back to point)
I was uninspired by my closet this AM. I knew I wanted to wear black pants; I have 2 pairs in regular rotation, but since I have lost a few (sadly few) pounds, my favorite pair were getting pretty loose and flappy so I picked the other pair and just grabbed a black shirt with ruched sides to go with it and the first pair of comfortable black shoes I saw to round off my whole Black Is Back look. Surprisingly, the cut of everything as a whole really worked, I felt, and I stalked around all day feeling as if I looked ten feet tall and bulletproof.
Now if I only WERE ten feet tall, and bulletproof, my life would be a lot easier, right now....


Madame Queen said...

I think you've lost more than a few pounds!! I, unfortunately, have a flat ass. I blame it on motherhood. There's something about the spreading of the pelvis during pregnancy that just flattens it right out. That's my theory anyway.

1blueshi1 said...

I LIKE this theory, Schrodinger!