Friday, March 22, 2013

More Gwynnie Bee Goodness!

The only problem with Gwynnie Bee is that I have to return stuff to get new stuff! As the local library can tell, once something enters the door of my domicile, it falls into the "mine" category, as if my subconscious is a tantrumy toddler....wait I want to send back 3 things & get 3 new things: the dress from my last post & 2 tops, so I decided to have Lynda shoot a couple of pics of me so I could get a better idea of how I looked in the tops. My boyfriend liked them & he's pretty picky, but I have next to no mirror space to get a good full length view of myself. Hence, Lynda's new career as a photographer (Zac is too busy having All The Social Life with his friends & his new girlfriend over spring break). But now that I've seen the pics, I REALLY like 'em & I don't want to send 'em back! Decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

Scott McLeod Photo said...

Hey trying to get in touch with you Elena.
