Friday, May 16, 2008


I had had an idea in the back of my mind about draping a lot of pearls a la Coco Chanel, and this AM when I was running late for work and noticed some stains (GAH) on the front of my cream colored sleeveless polo seemed like the perfect time to put this idea into play.
After work I went to the local margarita watering hole ((VIVA TEQUILA!!!)) with some friends from work. It's amazing how a couple of ibuprofen and a giant frozen 'rita can completely erase foot pain. I am not looking forward to going to work in the morning and will DEFINITELY NOT be blogging my outfit as it could prominently feature Hefty as a name brand.
Have a fabulous weekend, everybody!!!


pam said...

Hey I love your posts... And triple love the shoes. Too bad for the DH that the 50 shoes from ebay are probably in his/your future..

for a different kind of girl said...

Those boots are kick ass! I'd have to throw myself on the dead body of sensible shoes for a try at those!

I have a martini headache at the moment. I'm so glad I don't have to get up and make nice with people like you're going to have to tomorrow! Good luck!

Happy weekend!

1blueshi1 said...

thanks, Pam & Fadkog! the boots are Carlos Santana and I absolutely frickin' love them--until I put them and the 4.25 inch heel forces my nonexistent arch into an unnatural position and then I have to park 2 blocks away from work. I did have 5 cars stop to let me walk through the intersection yesterday morning, though! hehehe
Is this what is meant by no pain, no gain?