Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Beauty Books

I'm reading a new beauty book--I love beauty books. My habit began young, back in the eighties I started with such potent fare as Color Me Beautiful (I admit, I still own a copy!) and Morgan Fairchild's SuperLooks (an eBay find as alas, my copy was lost long ago). The latest shot in the arm for my beauty reading addiction is The Truth About Beauty by Kat James, this was originally published in 2002 and her last update was in 2007, that is the issue I am reading. I saw this online in a beauty blog, unfortunately I don't remember whose, but I requested it from my local library (gotta conserve dinero somewhere so I can afford shoes!). I haven't been able to just sit down and read it, more like snatching bits and pieces here and there, but I did take special notice of her section on hair and the washing thereof. She recommends a shower filter as new research and studies are showing that chorine has some nasty affects on our insides and outsides--Allie just bought one and has been pleased with what it's doing for her hair and makeup, I think I am going to ask my mom to put one in my Easter basket. Kat also recommends nonstripping cleansers and conditioners for the hair, such as Clarifying Shampoo by Avalon Organic Botanicals and nonfoaming hair cleansers like Wen Conditioning Cleanser by Chaz Dean at that's for dry hair, for oily hair, clay-based hair washes by Terressentials and Logona. am off to their website to check out details and prices!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One Christmas, my mother-in-law bought me a color me beautiful session. I didn't have a clue what it was. I went in and got the full treatment. I am a winter. I was made up, I thought to look like a clown. David told me I looked like one too. So much RED. I love red, in my clothes. My lips are small (no top lip) but boy did I have one then, and my eyes (deep set brown) were So over the top. It was funny. At least I got my little book of color swatches to take with me shopping. I kept it for years, but it was a no brainer, winter is the easiest to remember, dark primary colors.