I mean, Zac is visiting my 'rents in VA, so pics are taken by someone very, very short: Bookey, who does not look any taller when I stare down at her from my five inch heeled vantage point.

Cream suede covered platform heels, Aldo via eBay and not the delicious yet horribly expensive store in the Galleria. Jeans, Lane Bryant, size 18, baggy, well-washed, and comfortable. Heat's getting to me, I didn't want to wear tight jeans. Loose empire waist cream shirt from WallyWorld, last summer. I had on cream and gold hoops that went with, beautifully, from the three dollar sale rack at WW, but I took them off at work and left them on my desk, where, hopefully, they will still be tomorrow. For years I never worried about leaving anything at my desk. In fact, sometimes on Fridays, I would gather up five pairs of shoes to bring home. But a few weeks ago my luck deserted me; either that, or one of the janitors has acquired a girlfriend with a size 10 foot, because my beautiful, glorious Nine West Slutty Librarian shoes that I left for one night, walked off and left me. There is only one way to grieve their passing and mourn in an appropriate manner....and that would be via amazon.com.